The Way We Face Ourselves

For Days That Feel Heavier

While we may make every effort to face the world bravely and with grace, there will still be days that just feel heavier,

There will be times when the thought of moving your body exhausts you, when facing the day feels overwhelming, or when it feels like the noise around you will never settle…

On these days,

Be gentle with yourself

Move slowly and with care

Deepen your breath and let it flow through you

Allow yourself to move through the day with ease and compassion

Life is constantly changing and shifting around us and our circumstances are often impacted in unexpected ways. Sometimes all we need is a reminder that it is ok if all we can do in that moment is take a breath and face ourselves with ease and compassion.

Read on my friends…

Upcoming blogs will share more insight and ways to generate a gentle approach when facing ourselves.



Our Inner Dialogue


Celebrating Your Worth