Our Inner Dialogue

Begin By Listening

Rather than lose sight of ourself in pursuit of making all the world happy, we can factor ourself in, knowing that the way we are cared for directly impacts the way we show up into the world.

If cultivating a gentle approach with yourself feels like an unnatural idea, know that this is ok. You only need to begin by listening,

To begin, pay attention to…

…the words that arise when you are running late or feeling behind

…your thoughts when you are trying something new or struggling to complete a task

…the way you treat yourself when you are in social situations

There is no need do anything right now, other than just observe with an open mind, Getting to know yourself allows you to begin cultivating a deeper connection within. It allows you to determine what still resonates and what is no longer serving you.

Little by Little…


What would it feel like to face yourself with kindness? To take a gentle approach when life feels heavy?

There are many ways of being.

The question is, how do you want to show up for yourself and within the world.


Shifting Our Inner Dialogue


The Way We Face Ourselves