…But what have you done?
When facing what seemed like a daunting “To Do” list one day many years ago, my dear friend suggested I write a “Did Do” list. She described it as a way to pause and reflect on all that I had already accomplished throughout the day. It didn’t matter how seemingly small the task may have been (i.e. wake up, brush teeth, get myself to work), what mattered was that there was already a long list of accomplishments from the day.
I loved this idea. I shared it with my students who were feeling overwhelmed. I shared it with friends who seemed to be struggling with feeling enough. I used it myself on days when I felt rather unaccomplished. It reminded me I was capable of pushing forward knowing how much I had already done despite where I was in my long list of things to do.
I continue to use this tool to reflect on my day to day tasks as well as accomplishments that feel significant to me including places I have explored, hikes I have enjoyed, or new hobbies I have tried. It helps me to shift my perspective and focus on all that I have achieved.
What is one thing that you can add to your “Did Do” list from today?
What is one thing that you can add to your “Did Do” from the last year?